Tuesday, August 25, 2020
An Overview of Solstices and Equinoxes
An Overview of Solstices and Equinoxes The June and December solstices mark the longest and most brief days of the year. The March and September equinoxes, then, mark the two days of every year when day and night are of equivalent length. June Solstice (Approximately June 20-21) The June solstice starts summer in the Northern Hemisphere and winter in the Southern Hemisphere. This day is the longest of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and the briefest of the year in the Southern Hemisphere. North Pole: The North Pole (90 degrees north scope) gets 24 hours of sunshine, as it has been sunlight at the North Pole throughout the previous three months (since the March Equinox). The sun is 66.5 degrees off the apex or 23.5 degrees over the horizon.Arctic Circle: It is light 24 hours per day north of the Arctic Circle (66.5 degrees north) on the June solstice. The sun around early afternoon is 43 degrees off the zenith.Tropic of Cancer: On the June Solstice the sun is legitimately overhead the Tropic of Cancer (23.5 degrees north scope) at noon.Equator: At the equator (zero degrees scope), the day is consistently 12 hours in length. At the equator, the sun rises day by day at 6 a.m. neighborhood time and sets at 6 p.m. neighborhood time. The sun around early afternoon at the equator is 23.5 degrees off the zenith.Tropic of Capricorn: In the Tropic of Capricorn, the sun is low in the sky, at 47 degrees from the peak (23.5 in addition to 23.5).Antarctic Circle: At the Antarctic C ircle (66.5 degrees south), the sun shows up around early afternoon, looking at the skyline and afterward promptly vanishing. All zones south of the Antarctic Circle are dim on the June Solstice. South Pole: By June 21, it has been dull for a quarter of a year at the South Pole (90 degrees south scope). September Equinox (Approximately September 22-23) The September equinox denotes the start of fall in the Northern Hemisphere and spring in the Southern Hemisphere. There are 12 hours of light and 12 hours of dimness at all focuses on the earth’s surface on the two equinoxes. Dawn is at 6 a.m. what's more, dusk is at 6 p.m. nearby (sun powered) time for most focuses on the earth’s surface. North Pole: The sun is not too far off at the North Pole on the September equinox toward the beginning of the day. The sun sets at the North Pole around early afternoon on the September equinox and the North Pole stays dull until the March equinox.Arctic Circle: Experiences 12 hours of light and 12 hours of obscurity. The sun is 66.5 degrees off the peak or 23.5 degrees over the horizon.Tropic of Cancer: Experiences 12 hours of sunlight and 12 hours of haziness. The sun is 23.5 degrees off the zenith.Equator: The sun is straightforwardly overhead the equator around early afternoon on the equinox. On both equinoxes, the sun is legitimately over the equator at noon.Tropic of Capricorn: Experiences 12 hours of light and 12 hours of obscurity. The sun is 23.5 degrees off the zenith.Antarctic Circle: Experiences 12 hours of sunlight and 12 hours of darkness.South Pole: The sun ascends at the South Pole after the Pole has been dim for as far back as a half year (since the March equinox). T he sun ascends to the skyline and it stays light at the South Pole for a half year. Every day, the sun seems to pivot around the South Pole at a similar declination edge in the sky. December Solstice (Approximately December 21-22) The December solstice denotes the start of summer in the Southern Hemisphere and is the longest day of the year in the Southern Hemisphere. It denotes the start of winter in the Northern Hemisphere and is the most brief day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. North Pole: At the North Pole, it has been dim for a quarter of a year (since the September equinox). It stays dull for another three (until the March equinox).Arctic Circle: The sun shows up around early afternoon, looking at the skyline and afterward momentarily vanishing. All regions north of the Arctic Circle are dim on the December solstice.Tropic of Cancer: The sun is low in the sky, at 47 degrees from the pinnacle (23.5 in addition to 23.5) at noon.Equator: The sun is 23.5 degrees from the apex at noon.Tropic of Capricorn: The sun is legitimately overhead the Tropic of Capricorn on the December solstice.Antarctic Circle: It is light 24 hours per day south of the Antarctic Circle (66.5 degrees north) on the June solstice. The sun around early afternoon is 47 off the zenith.South Pole: The South Pole (90 degrees south scope) gets 24 hours of sunlight, as it has been light at the South Pole throughout the previous three months (since the September equinox). The sun is 66.5 degree s off the apex or 23.5 degrees over the skyline. It will stay light at the South Pole for an additional three months. Walk Equinox (Approximately March 20-21) The March equinox denotes the start of fall in the Southern Hemisphere and spring in the Northern Hemisphere. There are 12 hours of sunshine and 12 hours of dimness at all focuses on the earth’s surface during the two equinoxes. Dawn is at 6 a.m. furthermore, nightfall is at 6 p.m. nearby (sun oriented) time for most focuses on the earth’s surface. North Pole: The sun is not too far off at the North Pole on the March equinox. The sun ascends at the North Pole around early afternoon to the skyline on the March equinox and the North Pole stays light until the September equinox.Arctic Circle: Experiences 12 hours of sunlight and 12 hours of obscurity. The sun is 66.5 off the pinnacle and low in the sky at 23.5 degrees over the horizon.Tropic of Cancer: Experiences 12 hours of sunlight and 12 hours of murkiness. The sun is 23.5 degrees off the zenith.Equator: The sun is straightforwardly overhead the equator around early afternoon on the equinox. During both equinoxes, the sun is legitimately over the equator at noon.Tropic of Capricorn: Experiences 12 hours of light and 12 hours of murkiness. The sun is 23.5 degrees off the zenith.Antarctic Circle: Experiences 12 hours of sunshine and 12 hours of darkness.South Pole: The sun sets at the South Pole around early afternoon after the Pole has been light for as far back as a half year (since the September equinox). The day starts not too far off toward the beginning of the day and before the day's over, the sun has set.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Critical Thinking Assignment: Buddhism
1. The topic of Origin-Those who follow Buddhism have confidence that the universe and god are indeed the very same. (Weider and Gutierrez, 201, 56) Buddhist go to the lessons of Siddhartha Gautama otherwise called Buddha to live right and at death get away from the course of karma. After death, they trust they will get one with the universe. 2. The subject of personality The topic of character in Buddhism is replied in their conviction that every living thing are equivalent. They trust you should live as per the lessons of Buddha so as to get away from karma and resurrection in the afterlife. . The subject of significance/reason For Buddhist the essential objective is to arrive at Nirvana and end all close to home affliction. So as to end enduring one must dispense with every single carnal want and follow the lessons of Buddha which comprises of the â€Å"Four Noble Truths†and the â€Å"Noble Eightfold Path†. 4. The topic of ethical quality Because Buddhist think ever ything is consecrated they follow the †Ethical Code†educated in the â€Å"Eightfold Path†which involves avoid all types of malevolence. The significant focuses in the â€Å"ethical code†are; one must shield from taking a person’s life, taking, unethical sexual conduct, lying and inebriation. 5. The topic of fate Buddha dismissed the thought Hindus hold about karma, which expresses that an individual will keep on being resurrected all through time. He accepted that one could escape through the disavowal of individual wants which lead to disappointment since nothing in this world keeps going. Buddha trained that everybody could arrive at Nirvana as long as they lived right. When they arrive at Nirvana devotees will live in a state where one feel neither loathe nor love. Section 2: Compare and Contrast 1. The topic of inception Christians trust God is the maker of the universe and everything in it. Buddhist adherents follow the possibility that the universe and everything in it are indeed the very same. To the Buddhist everything has consistently existed not at all like for Christians who accept there was a starting which is clarified in the book of Genesis. 2. The topic of Identity-In Genesis 1:27 the good book expresses that we are made in the picture of God. Similarly as we acquire characteristics from our folks we acquire qualities from God. Buddhist accept people and creatures are unified with the universe and both are equivalent in significance. 3. The topic of significance and reason For Christian’s the importance and motivation behind people is found in John 17:3. John reveals to us that we are to know God through his Son Jesus Christ. We are to have a nearby close connection with God. As represetatives of Christ we are to proceed to convey to the world what we think about Jesus, who makes this relationship with God conceivable. Buddhist don't have faith in an individual God. They accept god is far off and doesn't become included actually associated with people’s lives. The Buddhist accept their fundamental reason in to get away from the karma and arrive at Nirvana where they will live with no craving. 4. The subject of ethical quality Without God we can't figure out what activities are good and bad (Weider and Gutierrez, 2011, p 61) Christian devotees follow the expression of God as a manual for live their live. The book of scriptures calls devotees to cherish God and to adore their neighbor as they love themselves. These two rules shields adherents from erring against their neighbor. Buddhist adherent to Buddha’s â€Å"Four Noble Truths†and the â€Å"Eight Noble Truths†. Their â€Å"Ethical Conduct†area says an individual should maintain â€Å"right discourse, right activity, and right occupation. †These codes will free an individual from the pattern of karma. Not at all like Christians Buddhist don't have confidence in pardoning the manner in which Jesus offers it. Anyway the two convictions concur that regard is inescapable to live in harmony. 5. The topic of predetermination Christians put stock in paradise and hellfire. The distinction in where an individual will go relies upon their acknowledgment in Jesus as Lord and Savior of their lives. Atonement of wrongdoing is trailed by the pardoning of Christ. A Christian will live forever in paradise on the off chance that they acknowledge the pardoning offered by Jesus Christ. Buddhist accept â€Å"salvation†must be worked out. As indicated by the lessons of Buddha anybody can arrive at Nirvana as long as the individual attempts to act â€Å"right†during their lifetime.
Monday, August 10, 2020
Stomp the Yard, MIT style
Stomp the Yard, MIT style I am sure that many of you have read blogs about Greek life from some of our current all-star bloggers like Paul or even some of the superstar blogger alumni like Bryan, Melis, or Sam. What you havenâ€t heard about are the organizations that compromise the National Pan-Hellenic Council, Inc. ( NPHC also referred to as The Divine 9) and the National Association of Latino Fraternal Organizations ( NALFO ). NPHC is a national umbrella organization for the nine historically black fraternities and sororities. Similarly, NALFO is the umbrella organization for 23 historically Latino Greek organizations. Throughout MITâ€s history, Greek life has been an important part of the social and extracurricular fabric of the MIT community. In fact, the first sorority ever founded at MIT was the historically black organization, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. (AKA) in 1977. The second sorority ever founded at the Institute in 1980 was the distinguished Xi Tau chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Keep in mind though, Greek life at MIT is as diverse as its student body and includes NPHC (Divine 9) organizations as well as historically Latino fraternities and sororities ( NALFO ). At MIT, like many New England institutions, NPHC NALFO college chapters are intercollegiate meaning; the members in a chapter include students not only from MIT but often other schools within the greater Boston area providing immeasurable opportunities for meeting students all over New England. In keeping with MITâ€s Latin motto, Mens et Manus, “mind hand’, our historically Black and Latino Greek organizations keep in step through pioneering community outreach projects. Members of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity participate in the March of Dimes every year raising thousands of dollars for premature infant research endeavoring to save lives. The AKAs Deltas participate in Bostonâ€s annual Walk for Hunger to combat the hunger pervasive in many of Massachusetts†communities and families. The women of Sigma Lambda Upsilon Sorority, a newer organization to campus, promote adult literacy efforts. In an effort to introduce you to a slice of our Greek community, each organization offered a snapshot of their own, unique chapters below. For those who will be attending the whirlwind extravaganza that is CPW in April, all of these organizations, as well as many others, will be present to meet with you! Enjoy!!!! Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. On the ice-cold Tuesday of December 4th, 1906, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated was founded on the campus of Cornell University in Ithaca, NY by seven dynamic individuals whom we affectionately refer to as the fraternityâ€s Jewels. It was the FIRST institution of its kind for collegians, a precursor to the other intercollegiate, historically black Greek-letter organizations. The Rho Nu Chapter of Alpha was founded on Tuesday, September 26th, 1989 and encompasses the campuses of MIT, Harvard University, and Tufts University. We, as a fraternity, pride ourselves on upholding the ideals of our brotherhood, which are Manly Deeds, Scholarship, and Love for all Mankind. The Rho Nu Chapter stands firmly on these principles and is always in active pursuit of innovative ways to serve our community. During a time when society offered minorities “narrowly circumscribed opportunity’, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated was founded in order to promote a culture of leadership and excellence among African-American men, to aid them in the service and uplifting of their communities. Alpha men have made invaluable contributions to our society, and have helped to shape our nationâ€s history. The likes of Thurgood Marshall, W.E.B. DuBois, Martin Luther King, Jr., Duke Ellington, and Cornel West number among our ranks. The Rho Nu Chapter upholds this legacy of excellence, housing within our lineage not just doctors, lawyers, politicians, CEOs, entertainers, but agents of change. We celebrate the diversity of the students who join our organization, and every brother from each school contributes something unique and valuable. If you are interested in learning more about the Brotherhood dedicated to the uplift of our communities and the better making of men, please do some research about our organization. Ask questions. Seek answers. We, the brothers of the Rho Nu Chapter, pride ourselves on being approachable and are always more than willing to speak about our Fraternity; be proactive by reaching out to the Brotherhood. Men of Alpha are the first of all; we are the servants of all; and we shall transcend all. Good luck in your studies and look out for our next program. Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated was organized on the campus of Howard University in Washington, DC during the 1907-1908 academic year, making it the oldest Greek-letter organization established by African-American college-trained women. The small group of women who organized the Sorority was conscious of a privileged position as college-trained women of color, just one generation removed from slavery. They were resolute that their college experiences should be as meaningful and productive as possible. ahref=http://www.aka1908.orgAlpha Kappa Alpha was founded to apply that determination. The Lambda Upsilon Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated was chartered on October 8, 1977 at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The inspiration for the Chapter was Mary Hope, a dean at MIT, who felt that an effective group was needed through which Black women on predominantly White campuses could communicate and help each other. Lambda Upsilons membership consists of women from MIT, Harvard University, and Wellesley College. Through the years, Lambda Upsilon has been committed to sisterhood and Service to All Mankind. It has participated in community service in the Cambridge and Boston communities. It has also hosted service projects on each of the five Sororityâ€s platforms involving entrepreneurship, economics, the Black family, technology, and health. Some of our events have included “Improving, Strengthening, and Troubleshooting Friendships and Relationships in Black America’, a “Financial Fitness’ workshop, and “AKAerobics’. Through annual events, the Chapter fulfills the purpose of the Sorority, which is to cultivate and encourage high scholastic and ethical standards, to promote unity and friendship among college women, to study and help alleviate problems concerning girls and women in order to improve their social stature, to maintain a progressive interest in college life, and to be of service to all mankind. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. For over 25 years, the Xi Tau Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated has proudly served Cambridge and surrounding communities. Committed to Sisterhood, Scholarship, and Service, the sophisticated women of Xi Tau are actively engaged in public service initiatives, social action programming, and political reform. Xi Tau Deltas are innovative and creative women, who never rest upon tradition, but continue, in the manner of our noble sororitys distinguished history, impacting the lives of African Americans. The women of Xi Tau hail from the eight schools of our charter: Babson College, Bentley College, Brandeis University, Harvard University, Lesley University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Tufts University, and Wellesley College. Women of Accomplishment, Xi Tau Deltas continue to achieve academic excellence, make strides in our chosen career fields, and remain sisters to each other. Among our ranks are dozens of Harvard Business School graduates, several doctors, lawyers judges, professors, women of the cloth, accomplished authors, community leaders, two Rhode Scholars, and too many prestigious scholarship recipients to name. Please click on the links to visit our national and chapter websites! If you have any questions about our chapter, contact us at [emailprotected] Sigma Lambda Upsilon/Señoritas Latinas Unidas Sorority, Inc. On December 1st, 1987 at Binghamton University, Founding Mothers Cynthia Santiago-Guzman, Adriana Zamora, Carmen Ibeth Garcia-Quiñones and Carol Elizabeth Torres created an organization that would not only serve as a voice for women in an academic setting, but would also provide sincere sisterhood and unconditional support while actively promoting academic achievement, service to the community, and cultural enrichment. Our dedication and relentless commitment to Sigma Lambda Upsilon/Señoritas Latinas Sorority, Inc. and to each other is why we consider our sisterhood lasting Hasta La Muerte! In the spring of 2001, the Chi Undergraduate Chapter was established by Hermanas Diagneris Garcia “Ejemplar’ and Blanca Padilla “Veloz.’ These two women felt a strong need to bring an organization to the Boston Area that would not only foster sisterhood but above all, leadership and service to the community in and out of the campus setting. After much research, they sought out the Hermanas of Sigma Lambda Upsilon/Señoritas Latinas Sorority, Inc., where they found these values embodied. Chi Chapter is currently a city-wide chapter. Contact the Chi Chapter at [emailprotected] _________________ A HUGE thank you to Ally Piche who wrote the intro and compiled information from the fraternities and sororities featured in this post. Youre the best Ally!!!!
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